Hello Sarge!
Thanks a lot for the info, now I know what you're up to!
And isn't the forum great? It seldom works as good as on this one, but when it does - then it's a really good thing to be on! I like this thread a lot, it's about accuracy now!
I would say the colour for the jeeps is too light. IMO it looks more like the modern forrest green than the correct old OD - but that's the talk about colours, so subjective. I'd say don't match the colour to what the restorers did - they might have slipped here... Maybe it would be better to find some old ammo can or something like this and match the colour to that? I have an OD ammo can from the sixties or seventies and the best match to it's colour is Humbrol 66 with some future on top of that.
I believe you know that the antenna has to be tied down to not whip around and avoid hurting people on the way... Once I have made the tie-down out of a nylon thread taken from a stocking (that's always a fascinating story :-). Maybe you have some use for that trick, too.
Good luck with your dio and have a nice day!