Interesting that they would paint a M26 in these markings....
I am calling this one done. This is the Dragon M46 kit in the markings of 6th Tank Battalion during Operation Ripper in Korea, Spring 1951.These are probably the most colorful unit markings worn in combat by any tank unit. I modified the kit by repositioning some turret external fittings, leaving off the turret right side stowage rack, adding some turret grab rails, a left side stowage rack on the fender, and a .30 cal. Browning based upon photos of the units tanks in Korea. Paints used are Mission Models and Humbrol for the main colors. Towage items are from my stash and spares bin.
I still need to finish the TC figure and come up with a base for this one.
Comments and critiques are welcome.
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton