g'day Harro and Johno. So here's a few Aussie terms.
Blowfly - dunny budgie
dunny - toilet
budgie - a small native bird that has proved to be very popular and is often bred in captivity.
stoush - a fight
blue or rangar - a redhead. a blue is also a fight.
strewth - an exclamation of suprise
dingo - a native wild dog, yellow in colour. - a coward or a backstabber
the Never Never - the outback. A reference to the magic and mystery of Aboriginal beliefs.
The Dreamtime - Aboriginal view of their history and beliefs.
Beyond the black stump - the middle of nowhere
She'll be right mate - it'll all be ok
Sheila - a female
Drongo - an idiot, also a whacker
Wanker - a person who thinks they know everything
Pub - the most wonderful place on God's earth. Where a bloke can get a beer.
Bloody and bugger - two of the most useful words in the English language. i.e. The blooder bugger ran of with me sheep, or, bloody hell, I'll kill that bugger on day, or bugger me! The last is a statement of amazement.
Digger - an Aussie soldier, also shortened to 'Dig'.
Ginger beer - *** or engineer
Turret Head - tankie
Blue Orchid, or Zoomie - airforce
Pongo - soldier Where the army goes, the pong goes.........
Pusser - sailor. No, it's not what you think. Its' the family name of a prominent ship's chandlers from Lord Nelson's days. i.e. pusser's issue.
dead horse - tomatoe sauce
Walkabout - to take off with no particular destination in mind
Fair Dinkum, or just Dinkum - the honest truth
The good oil, as above.
Furphy - a rumour. Named after the manufacturer of a water cart that was used on Gallipoli. As the cart went from point to point where soldiers gathered to have their canteens filled, the rumours went with the cart. What you blokes would call scuttlebut.
Pom - a person from Britain
Septic Tank - Yank. Sorry bout that, but.... This is an educational program.
Walloper - a copper/policeman. Also known as a 'jack'
Well boys, theres a few things for you to ponder from the land down under. I hope you get a good laugh!