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  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, September 29, 2003 10:18 PM
You may want to spend a couple of bucks for this article that is archived here.
I just sent off for the FXE1200 archive to see if they have anything decent in the article. I'll let you know if the articles are worth the money if you are interested.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 26, 2003 7:20 PM
It's hard to find info on the bike here in the US. Can anyone here tell me what is the exact Suzuki color used on the 1982 bike? The silver color.

Anyone who can send me some upclose supersized photos of the bike would be greatly thanked.
  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:56 PM
The early 80's GSX1100S Katana, one of Hans Muth's most pleasing designs, was immensely popular, especially here in Oz.
There were thousands of "Space Bikes" running around down under.
I'd try to contact motorcycle owners clubs that specialize in Suzuki bikes - maybe speak to a Suzuki dealership - often sales reps and mechanics who work there will know where the closest Katana would be.
Also, try searching the web for "Suzuki Katana", "GSZ1100S", "Katana" etc etc etc...........there must be some links that will get you where you want to go.

Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Jacksonville, FL
Posted by metalhead5 on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:19 PM
The best I can tell you is if there is dealership where you live give them a visit. Tell them them what you are looking for and they should let you look at opne og their bikes. If not try your local book store for books or magazines. Nice thing about book stores you can take pen and paper to0 take note or make drawings. Hope this is helpful. Have fun building the bike.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:57 PM
Hi, anyone know where I can get good reference for this bike? I just bought the 1/6 Tamiya kit, so I need really good details. It'll be best if I can meet with someone who own such a bike. But there isn't much now...

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