Completed the port side ratlines on the lower shrouds. I used the "sandwich method" since it helps hold the shrouds in place, and allowed me to vary the "tightness" of the ratlines between shrouds, so there is a bit of sagging here and there. I think that helps with the realism a bit, as most ships have a bit of sag in the ratlines.
Started with the mizzen mast since it had the fewest knots to tie, with only 6 shrouds. Got the hang of tying all those clove hitches, and things went pretty smoothly. I only went back and cut out the first two rows and redid them, since they were a bit messy.
Main mast has 10 shrouds, so a bit more work, but no problems at all.
Ran into a bit of trouble on the foremast, since I had fully rigged all of the backstays, swifter cables and futtock shrouds. Made it much harder to keep track of the knots, as I got tangled up in the other rigging a few times. But I persevered and learned a valuable lesson - tie the ratlines before adding all the additional lines! Added footropes to the foremast futtock shrouds, and then started up the fore topmast shrouds.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend.