I've used Tom's several times and yes you do need to resist the urge to pull your hair out sometimes. It just takes more research. Eduard IMO is the easiest since they show exactly which part to replace and where it is.
I have also used wood decks and I like them. Yes, the thickness issue can be a deterrent, but I've noticed that once everything is on you really don't notice it as much. I will wet the plastic deck with water prior to applying the wood decking to cut down on the bubbles. It sounds counterintuitive, but the glue will stick just fine afterward.
As far as rigging, there is a lot more than most think, but most of it can be omitted and still have rigging that looks complete. I will build the superstructure subassemblies first, paint and rigg prior to attaching them to the hull. This helps me from making a mess of things and I work my way out when adding PE or rigging.
I have the Carrol myself and am looking forward to it as soon as I get over my hesitation of that camo scheme. As far as accuracy, once it's done, my wife and I are pretty much the only ones who see it except for the pictures I would put on this and other forums. My step kids and grandkids wouldn't have a clue what the ship was used for or even what era it belonged anyway.
Looking forward to your build