Hey Steve-
I just cuaght this thread.
First, Yikes! Sorry about your thumb, hoping it heals well.
I like your work so far on the Revell Mayflower...I have the Imai Mayflower in the stash, not sure when I'll build it, but it seems similar to yours, so I'm taking notes.
Also, the question of the wonky bowsprit...I'm glad you were able to straighten it out, because it was indeed at the wrong angle. But I thought I could add to the mystery, just for anyone who may come across a similar ?? on a build:
I havenoticed a few ship kits where the bulkhead entry hole for the bowsprit was not centered. I think the reason for this is because a *real* bowsprit leads far down into the hull, and would intersect with the base of the foremast. They must have installed the bowsprit off-center so it could lead further in without getting in the way. Though, in my experience, they still point straight out of the front of the bow.
Here's a pic of the Spanish Galleon I'm working on now, I dry-fitted the bowsprit just to illustrate the point.
20191103_070717 by Dave Kump, on Flickr
You can see it's off-center but still leads straight out of the front. The gammoning will help keep it faired.
I know you're already past the obstacle this caused, but again, I thought it could help for future understanding.
Great work!
_~ )_)_~
Current Project: Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2
Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark
Next Up: ???