I'm an IT project manager with a large financial institution; I've been in IT for over 25 years. My current team builds middleware and internet application software. Current application development tools allows for some "creativity", instead of the old green screens from my mainframe days. I know; software development is not supposed to be creative, it's supposed to be a discipline..
Building models was something my dad and uncle did; they was my influence. My dad built plastic models, free flight gas planes, and control ine models. I still remember an old plastic Trimotor he had on top of the TV cabinet. My first model was a red race car that my parents got me when I had my tonsils removed. I still remember building that model with my father at the kitchen table, now more than 44 years ago...
As long as I can remember I've been creative - I've sketched, painted, sculpted... Back in the 80s, I decided to try 3 dimensional art, so I started carving birds- raptors, ducks, songbirds...realistic carvings, not the decorative stuff seen in craft stores. What's really cool about that is that some of the same tools and techniques are applied in model building...
I build aircraft, armor, and ships, with the occasional car or creature thrown in. I love submarines, and I have been lucky enough as a civilian to hitch an all day ride on a fleet ballistic missile submarine (Remember the Maine!!), as well as visit a few 688s and the SSN-21 in port. Finding time to build models has been tough lately, with job and family duties, but I keep adding to my collection, so that I won't be bored when I eventually retire and have all that free time on my hands...
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur :)