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Sensi-Press Vs. Waldron Punch Set

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    November 2005
Sensi-Press Vs. Waldron Punch Set
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:07 AM
Next on my long list of tools to get is a hole punch set of some sort. I noticed that the Sensi-Press (sold in Micro-Mark) has a LOT of accessories to add-on to it, like the riveter that simulates rivets by embossing them in equal distance on plastic, and thin metal. But most people refer to the Waldron set. Does anyone own the Sensi-Press, and can give some pros and cons between the two?! I would really like to make an educated decision here, before I shell out so much cash. And do you guys with the Waldron think?? and how do you use the Waldron punch set?? Do you tap it with a hammer?? Thanks in advance!!
  • Member since
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  • From: The flat lands of the Southeast
Posted by styrene on Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:26 AM
The sensi-press was demonstrated at our club meeting 2 weeks ago, and is a tremendous tool for riveting, but don't think it was intended for the same purpose as punch and die sets. If you get it, buy it from Harbor Freight. It's much cheaper for the exact same product, but make sure you get the X/Y table and the bits from Micromark.

Gip Winecoff

1882: "God is dead"--F. Nietzsche

1900: "Nietzsche is dead"--God

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:37 PM
So, I was checking out the press on Harbor freight, and you were definately right about the price!!! I also found this hole punch set from #1-60 for $10.00......What do you think???

Or do you think just go with the Waldron???
  • Member since
    May 2003
  • From: The flat lands of the Southeast
Posted by styrene on Friday, March 12, 2004 5:33 AM
I would personally choose the Waldron, based simply on the ability to be more precise; however, you may find that the set you linked to at Harbor Freight will provide what you're looking for...

Gip Winecoff

1882: "God is dead"--F. Nietzsche

1900: "Nietzsche is dead"--God

  • Member since
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  • From: USA
Posted by mark956 on Friday, March 12, 2004 1:37 PM
I have been debating whether or not to buy a waldron punch set. I do like the price of the set from Harbor freight. Thanks for the link and info.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 12, 2004 10:40 PM
I'm definately going to give that set a shot.....for $10.00 it's worth the risk. I figured out that we have a lot of scrap plexi-glass, and spare aluminum blocks lying around. I think that with my numbered drill index, I can make the plexi guide/clamp deal that waldron has going for them. I'll keep you posted if it works out!!!
  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Fowlerville, Mich
Posted by dtraskos on Saturday, March 13, 2004 6:39 PM
The Harbor Freight unit is a hole transfer punch set. Waldron punch & die set is something entirely different.. Harbor unit is for transfering center of drilled, tapped or reamed holes. Waldron is mostly used for making small holes in thin stock such as instrument panels. The small round piece made by the Waldron punch can be used for various uses also.
  • Member since
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  • From: Third rock from the sun.
Posted by Woody on Saturday, March 13, 2004 6:55 PM
The jewelry industry is a good source of punch & die sets, where they are called disc cutters. Here is an example of that type of punch & die: There is also a couple other brands of hobby punch & dies going by the name 5-Star and Historex.

" I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harm's way." --John Paul Jones
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:51 PM
Thanks for the info guys, I finally caught on to what the differences between the Waldron, and the Harbor Freight Punch Sets.....I was going to get a couple new kits with the money saved.........but I'm ordering the Waldron Punch set (The normal set, not the micro set yet), and the Sensi-press base from Harbor Freight.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 6, 2004 9:23 AM
I am searching for a Sensi-Press. Does Harbor freight still make this?


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