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  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Saturday, January 26, 2019 8:35 AM

Nope Not those in the cabinet, crew !

 We're talking about ,material removal here . I recommend the following ,these are all the 6" length with teeth on both sides and the edge .

 Four flat from medium to coarse . four half round ,the same . These would be for finish work in the last group and rough work in the first . How rough for the first four ? About the same as you would fine in 320,200 and 100 paper.

    Now yes, that is coarse .But we are talking removing material here . Now jump ahead .How many of you have a set of Riffler or Detail files ? These usually consist of sets with various profiles from Triangular, flat ,half round and ovaland round .

 They also come curved from end to end ( I don't use those ). Most files are basic things that do bite occassionally .That's on you .Handles are available or you can make some . I have also noticed they vary in quality by leaps and bounds too .

 Do you clean them? How ? Well for the larger ones there is a brush looking thing called a file card It has bent bristles .used properly it can keep you files clean for years .By the way you cannot sharpen files .You can clean them but that's it .File sharpening has gone the way of the DODO.

 There is a brush that looks like a rough brass toothbrush .It is this I use on my Rifflers as well as the occassional tip of a number 11 blade . Keep them clean and you will have orderly and clean files for years. Bye      T.B.


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