Mario Visci, San José, Costa Rica
Paying tribute to illustrator Frank Frazetta, Mario built a shadow box vignette based on a cover of the science-fiction novel The Secret People, written by John Wyndham as John Beynon and first published in 1935. Mario writes: “Frazetta (1928–2010) was an American fantasy and science-fiction artist noted for his work in comic books, paperback book covers, paintings, posters, LP record album covers, book jackets, calendars, and other media. His interpretation of Conan the Barbarian visually redefined the genre of sword and sorcery. Other covers were for paperback editions of Edgar Rice Burroughs books (such as those from the Tarzan and Barsoom (John Carter of Mars) series.” Mario built the scene around Andreas Miniatures’ 80mm Hula Hula Girl. The guy is sculpted onto a head and torso from Fujimi’s Garage & Tools Mechanic set, which also provided the pygmies’ heads and hands (the latter combined with jaws from Warhammer Games Workshop figures).
You can compare Mario’s work to Frazetta’s here.