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Official Ground Attack Group Build

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  • Member since
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  • From: T-34 Hunting
Posted by TheWildChild on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:02 PM

Sounds good to me! i will add you to the roster right now.

Regards, Logan.

1/35 XM77  "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car

Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build

"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis

"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch

"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda

  • Member since
    April 2012
  • From: Thousand Oaks CA
Posted by PaperPanzer on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:20 PM

Count me in! I have a HobbyCraft 1/48 Ju-87 G Stuka- more detail in the aircraft forum (see tag Another project in the works... Ju87 G Stuka for more detail)

This is my first Group Build by the way, do I just post pics of the finished work? -thanksCool

Auctung! Panzer!

- "And now for something completely different..."- Monty Python's Flying Circus

  • Member since
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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:45 PM

I'll jump in on this. Not sure what i'll be building though. It'll be (In 1/48 scale) either an A-6, A-10 or Su-25. Just gotta see what I wanna build first.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


  • Member since
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  • From: T-34 Hunting
Posted by TheWildChild on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 3:17 PM

PaperPanzer: Sounds good! Adding you to the roster momentarily.

Medicman71: Sounds good! adding you as well...putting you down as "undecided" though until you pick a for sure project.....We've all been there lol.

1/35 XM77  "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car

Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build

"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis

"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch

"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda

  • Member since
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  • From: here, not over there
Posted by Dre on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 3:54 PM

WildChild, would you consider the training, two-man Su-25UB Frogfoot B to eligible?  I have it in 1/32 with all sorts of goodies that looks like a long-term build.

I might be able to join this GB if I can get my own GB projects in line... call me "undecided" as well.

  • Member since
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  • From: Phoenix, AZ
Posted by Fly-n-hi on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 9:17 PM

WildChild,  I think I'd be interested in joining.  I'm just starting a 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18E that will have an A-G loadout.

I was going to build it anyway so I might as well do it in a group build, right?

  • Member since
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  • From: T-34 Hunting
Posted by TheWildChild on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 9:38 PM

Dre: Sure thing, as long as it has weapons for air-to-ground combat or was built on a ground attack airframe, it should be fine. How is your Flanker coming along BTW? havent checked back on there in a while.

Fly-n-hi: Yep, that works for me. Might as well build in a group with the same intend.....if it scurries across the ground, make it stop. lol

Happy building fellas, i am adding you to tyhe roster momentarily.

Ragards, Logan

1/35 XM77  "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car

Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build

"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis

"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch

"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda

  • Member since
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  • From: here, not over there
Posted by Dre on Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:07 PM

WildChild, the Su-25UB trainer is built off the regular single-seat attack airframe.  It can deliver weapons in the training role, but I find no evidence of this variant being used offensively (but it probably could).  Your call....

The 1/32 Flanker got sidetracked by a lot of 1/350 Flankers, but it is back on track.

  • Member since
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  • From: T-34 Hunting
Posted by TheWildChild on Thursday, April 26, 2012 6:02 PM

Dre: yeah, i will still count it. in all probability it could be used to deliver live ordnance, although handling properties probably wouldnt be as good lol.

1/35 XM77  "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car

Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build

"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis

"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch

"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda

  • Member since
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  • From: here, not over there
Posted by Dre on Friday, April 27, 2012 12:18 AM

Alrighty then, let's move some mud!




  • Member since
    December 2009
Posted by ww2psycho on Friday, April 27, 2012 7:22 AM


Looks great! Never built a Hase kit before. how is the quality?


Sorry didnt see your post earlier. This is my first Hase kit. Personally Ive never done after market parts before but I would try it for this model. Maybe its just me but the instrument panel didnt want to stay strait when gluing it in. Fuselage and wings are pretty good fit. wings may need a little work. I started gluing them where the bend is in them, it seemed to be warped a bit. other than that the fit is great. 

  • Member since
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  • From: Phoenix, AZ
Posted by Fly-n-hi on Monday, April 30, 2012 2:10 PM

Alrighty, I'm gonna be good and post my progress pics.  I normally avoid group builds simply because I'm too lazy to post the pics.

I've started on some of the basic assembly of my Hasegawa 1/48 F/A-18E Superhornet.  It doesn't show in the pics too well but I've rescribed all of the panel lines using a UMM scriber.  I over did it in a few areas but I was able to tone it down where I went too heavy.

You can see it fairly well in this pic of the assembled nose:

Speaking of rescribing...the pylons only have detail on one side.  I know...I was like WTF too.  So I'm gonna try to scribe some detail in:

The joint between the the completed nose and the fuselage is a little difficult but there is supposed to be a panel line there so it works out with minimal sanding/filling:

The forward intakes are pretty simple.  I used Mr. Surfacer 500 to fill the joints and sanded them smooth with a piece of sanding pad glued to a Popsicle stick:

After glueing the intakes together and using Mr. Surfacer 500 to fill the gaps I used pieces of sanding pads glued to a pen to sand the inside of the intakes. Then I used the "dump & pour" method with acrylic latex paint to paint the insides of the intakes.  That's about as seamless as I can make them:

I've got the Eduard cockpit PE set for this model.  It comes with grills for the avionics bay behind the pilot seat.  I cut out the molded grills and filed the edges smooth.  It was easy to do:

I want to pose this bird with the wings folded up like she's on a carrier so I chopped off the outer wings, assembled them and attached the kit hinges:

More to come...

  • Member since
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  • From: T-34 Hunting
Posted by TheWildChild on Monday, April 30, 2012 2:47 PM

Yes looks great! thats a good idea for the intakes.....i dont do many jets (actually i've only ever done 5 or 6 post-WWII era jets) but i will have to keep that method in mind!

1/35 XM77  "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car

Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build

"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis

"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch

"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda

  • Member since
    April 2012
  • From: Thousand Oaks CA
Posted by PaperPanzer on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:11 PM

Okay... I finally got a Photobucket account! Propeller

Since having first posted in this thread I have been making progress on my Stuka, and have managed to get a lot done so there are many pics.. lol.Big Smile

The white tube is an add- on to help w/ detail (it was absent on the kit.)

Quite a few bits left... here's a couple pics of my workbench...

There are no ejector pin marks on the kit, but there are a lot of seams... nothing squadron white putty can't fix!

Before and after... drilled out the cannons.

This is a tip I learned from FSM, to keep the wing dihedral, a rubber band stretches them up.

Not too many parts left... Smile

Here's a cool tip, if the prop is already painted and fixed, cut a square in the center of a scrap piece of paper, cit out each side, and you mask off the prop!Wink

All masked up before...

and after, freshly painted.

Look what I found! Bet some of you recognize it...

Here's the brushes I'll be using for the dot camouflage.

First layer... green.

Bit more modern... Italian Dark Brown for the second layer...

Yellow markings now added...

An excuse to use leftover decals from Revell's Ju87D Stuka...

This is the most up-to-date picture as of now. I heard this forum likes lots of pics, so I hope this is good. Any comments welcome guys!Blind Fold

Auctung! Panzer!

- "And now for something completely different..."- Monty Python's Flying Circus

  • Member since
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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:14 PM

Ok. I've decided to due something completely different. This is what I'll be building.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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  • From: T-34 Hunting
Posted by TheWildChild on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 4:33 PM

Paper Panzer: Looks like you may get the cookie for "first one done" lol. seems like a pretty decent little kit from the pics. how were the fits?

Also, one thing i just noticed (being that i have obsessed over German aircraft for YEARS im kinda suprised it took me this long lol) is that a pretty common design feature on Junkers aircraft is a pretty steep wing taper and a small, somewhat "pointy" wing tip........thinking mostly of certian JU-88s, the Stuka, and the JU-52 that imagination or...?

Medicman71: AWESOME! this is one of my favorite aircraft actually, one of those sorf-of "forgotten" planes that doesent see much limelight. what scale is this one? i will add it as your entry on the roster once i know.

Regards, Logan.

1/35 XM77  "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car

Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build

"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis

"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch

"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda

  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 11:14 AM

Opps. My bad. It's 1/48.

Yeah it's like the predecessor of the A-10. Gotta love that.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


  • Member since
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  • From: Thousand Oaks CA
Posted by PaperPanzer on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 2:59 PM

TheWildChild: Cookie for the first one done? Never heard of that... On a different note, the kit's fits were okay, though the plastic on mine was brittle. The seams are everywhere, so if someone wants to tackle this kit (or probably any HobbyCraft kit) prepare for lots of filler, filing, sanding, and redoing lost detail. Despite reading reviews that say the decals are horrible, they actually aren't that bad- though for safety's sake I am only using them on the wing undersides- lol. There are also plenty of areas to superdetail, the rear machine gun could stand replacement, no engine is provided, and the cockpit some sprucing up- if you want to pose it open that is.Wink

More pics on the way!Cool

Auctung! Panzer!

- "And now for something completely different..."- Monty Python's Flying Circus

  • Member since
    April 2012
  • From: Thousand Oaks CA
Posted by PaperPanzer on Thursday, May 3, 2012 7:58 PM

Well, more pics, more progress, aircraft canopys are not my strong point in aircraft. *sigh* But my attempts are getting better every time.

well, after five attempts,Bang Head  I finally got the control line on-

Aircraft almost close to being done... but not quite. Cool

Auctung! Panzer!

- "And now for something completely different..."- Monty Python's Flying Circus

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  • From: Guam
Posted by sub revolution on Thursday, May 3, 2012 9:37 PM

Lookin' good PaperPanzer! Guess this means I need to hurry up and finish editing the badge. I take it we are going with the A10 one? Objections?


  • Member since
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  • From: Thousand Oaks CA
Posted by PaperPanzer on Thursday, May 3, 2012 10:59 PM

sub revolution: I really like this one:

Not a fan of Jets myself... Tongue Tied

Auctung! Panzer!

- "And now for something completely different..."- Monty Python's Flying Circus

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  • From: here, not over there
Posted by Dre on Friday, May 4, 2012 9:07 AM

PaperPanzer, your Stuka looks good so far; no matter what scale the kit, a Stuka is always a large bird.  I need to get another one...


I started on my Su-25 last night and got the basic cockpit tubs and bang seats assembled (Plan B).  I plan on using the Aires resin cockpit set as it is insanely detailed (even if a lot of detail was broken during shipment), but I figured that I should also have Plan B ready to paint as well in case of "complications".

Funny thing about this kit is that once you remove all of the weapons and launch rail sprues from the box it becomes a much more manageable project...  I think that there's 22 sprues just for weapons and rails. 

I'll give Trumpeter credit, they might miss some details in their research but they do give you every weapon that the Grach could conceivably carry.. good for the spares box though.

  • Member since
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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Friday, May 4, 2012 11:20 AM

Looks great PaperPanzer!! Very nice camo.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


  • Member since
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  • From: Rothesay, NB Canada
Posted by VanceCrozier on Friday, May 4, 2012 3:02 PM


... aircraft canopys are not my strong point in aircraft. *sigh* But my attempts are getting better every time...

Hey, if you ever find someone that claims "canopies ARE my strong suit".... send them my way please!!  I just can't resist a Stuka with artillery slung underneath!!

On the bench: Airfix 1/72 Wildcat; Airfix 1/72 Vampire T11; Airfix 1/72 Fouga Magister

  • Member since
    December 2009
Posted by ww2psycho on Friday, May 4, 2012 8:01 PM

Hellcat is stalled until my canopy masks come in next week. 

Canopies arent my strong point either!

  • Member since
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  • From: T-34 Hunting
Posted by TheWildChild on Monday, May 7, 2012 9:29 AM


  I just can't resist a Stuka with artillery slung underneath!!


i find it difficult to resist ANY aircraft with artillery slung underneath lol. isnt much that looks as intimidating as a Stuka with the underwing cannons.....or the modern-day overkill version: the AC-130 lol

1/35 XM77  "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car

Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build

"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis

"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch

"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda

  • Member since
    June 2007
  • From: here, not over there
Posted by Dre on Monday, May 7, 2012 2:42 PM

Since Thursday, I've been staying up too late and doing stuff-

  • assembled and base colored the kit cockpit, bang seats, rudder pedals and sticks in case there's a problem with the resin replacements
  • cleaned up and base color painted the Aires resin cockpit set and bang seats,  very high quality stuff!
  • the wheel wells are mostly assembled and are ready for paint before stuffing them into the fuselage and nacelles
  • all the wings and control surfaces are assembled, they need to be sanded and polished
  • jet engines are assembled and ready for pre-paint cleanup and final assembly of the fiddly bits
  • assembled 50 individual underwing weapons last night, about 32 more to go!

All of this has been sub-assembly work, so I've been knocking these down as quick possible because the pace is going to slow down dramatically once I get into detail painting...

I really recommend this kit to anyone interested in modern Russian aviation as it is really 2 kits in 1- a very nice 1/32 Frogfoot and a modern Russian weapons set with extra sprues- there's 22 sprues for the weapons and launch rails!

Pics to come later...

  • Member since
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  • From: Phoenix, AZ
Posted by Fly-n-hi on Monday, May 7, 2012 9:07 PM

I've got a small update for my Hase Superhornet.

Building this one a little bit at a time.  I just got married last week and I'm going on my honeymoon this week so you can imagine my time has been filled up with other stuff.  I was in the process of moving homes before that.

Anyway, I managed to get some time and I've added some of the PE to the cockpit:

The rudder pedals:

The vents behind the seat:

I've also begun painting the exhausts.  The flame holders were painted with Alclad II burnt metal and they were weathered using the Tamiya weathering powders; specifically the burnt red, silver and rust.  The compressor blades were painted Alclad II Steel and drybrushed with the Tamiya silver powder.  The flash brings out more of the metallic than you see in real life:

To the naked eye they look really good.  Without the flash they appear very dark but a little more realistic:

Anyway, I will have more time to get back into model building after the honeymoon.

  • Member since
    December 2006
  • From: Phoenix, AZ
Posted by Fly-n-hi on Monday, May 7, 2012 9:12 PM


Well, more pics, more progress, aircraft canopys are not my strong point in aircraft. *sigh* But my attempts are getting better every time.

well, after five attempts,Bang Head  I finally got the control line on-

Aircraft almost close to being done... but not quite. Cool

Nice job!  The camo turned out great!

  • Member since
    April 2012
  • From: Thousand Oaks CA
Posted by PaperPanzer on Monday, May 7, 2012 10:19 PM

Thanks for the positive comments guys!

Fly-n-hi: Thanks! Amazing what one can do with a brush and paints- no airbrush on my workbench, no money, time, or space for one.

I was inspired by the Me- 109's used in Africa with the sand- yellow base coat and brown splotches applied over it, I added the green in to contrast it. The trick is to apply sparingly, you would do the same with an airbrush.

VanceCrozier: Sure thing! I'll let you know in this thread... Wink

Dre: It's only 1/48 scale... don't want to fathom how huge a 1/35 Stuka is... big for a single-engine aircraft. Black Eye

Auctung! Panzer!

- "And now for something completely different..."- Monty Python's Flying Circus


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