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PT-109 Instructions......

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  • Member since
    November 2005
PT-109 Instructions......
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 4:12 PM
Hi All !!!!!!!!!

I am building the Revell 1:72 PT 109 boat. The re-issue one,not the older kit.....
I have seem to have lost the instructions!!!! Does any one have the instructions, and would you part with it???? Or can some one scan them then email me the instructions???

I just figured it may be easier, and quicker to see if anyone has them here, rather then getting them from Revell....

Thank you sooooo much!!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:24 PM
I've got them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

email me at
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: USA
Posted by naplak on Thursday, April 3, 2003 1:15 PM
I have them too... ... a free site for modelers ... a nice Modeling Forum
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 12, 2003 9:31 PM
A friend pointed me in the direction of this site and it looks pretty interesting. Especially when I find a posting about Revell's PT-109. I just finished a second 109 and am now wondering about the difference between the older and re-issue kits? Number three is still sitting on my shelf, but it probably won't end up as the 109.

The first one is pretty much box-stock except for details I found in the FSM September 1994 issue. It came out all right, but is fairly inaccurate. The second boat was done using the website below as a guideline. It's PT-117, but they were both Elco 80' boats.

The second boat has depth charge racks forward of the tubes like the 109 did. The 37mm anti-tank gun was left off both boats. It's not on the first because I didn't have one and the second because it was only mounted a couple days before the boat was sunk. You can find pictures of both boats at the website below.



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