Forum members,
As your host, I feel I should again go on record about a four-letter word:
This forum always welcomes intelligent discourse and informed debate. That said, "rants" are generally unwelcome here. Why? Some members seem to have the opinion that placing "rant" in the subject line and/or post gives them license to fire away about whatever subject they see fit, using whatever language or tone they see fit.
Stating an intelligent opinion is fine, but it should always be done in a civil tone.
Posters who can't express their opinion properly should expect to hear from the forum's moderators, who have push-button thread- and account-deletion skills!
As always, questions and comments related to this site or FineScale Modeler magazine can be sent to me directly at or
Go build something! This is a fantastic hobby!
Matthew Usher
Editor, FineScale Modeler magazine