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Welcome to our new forums! Locked

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  • Member since
    September 2009
  • From: Waukesha, WI
Welcome to our new forums!
Posted by Megan McChain on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 12:16 PM

As we’re sure you’ve already noticed, our forums have been upgraded and have a new look. These improvements will allow you to better connect with other modelers and share the very best information about modeling. Here are a few key things we want you to know as you dig in to our improved community.

All of your previous forum topics and threads are still here. We transferred over everything from our old forums to the new. You will be able to pick up old discussions right where you left off. Simply look for your areas of interest under “Browse Discussions.” If you want to look at the most recent posts, you’ll find those toward the bottom of the page.

Your profile is your online presence in the community. On the right side, you’ll see links to your public profile (what anyone can see), to edit your profile and to choose an avatar. To change settings on your forum account, go to “Edit Your Profile.” Within that section, you’ll have the ability to set up or change your avatar, tell more about yourself in your biography and make selections about who can contact you within the forums.

To contact individual forum members, you’ll need to click on that person’s user name from within a post and then choose “Start a conversation.” This is the equivalent of the old e-mail and private message buttons within the posts.

The new forums allow you to become friends with other members. If you want to be friends with someone, you send them a friend request. This will help you stay on top of what others with similar interests are talking about.

Inside the forums, you can choose to subscribe to discussions that interest you. Subscribing to a forum or thread will send you an e-mail notification every time there is new activity in that section. You will find a shortcut to “Forum Subscriptions” on the right side of the page, or when you’re in a thread, click the “Email me when someone replies” at the top of the thread.

There are many more great features of our new, improved forums. To read all about everything that’s new, check out the “Forum Help” link at the top of the forums. We also have an article explaining more specifics about our new forums. Click here to read that article.

If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact customer service and we’ll get a response to you as soon as we can.

Enjoy the new forums!

-Megan, FSM

Megan, FSM


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