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February 5 — Forum Issues Update

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February 5 — Forum Issues Update
Posted by enash on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 4:17 PM

A message from Christine Metcalf, Senior Vice President of Finance at Kalmbach Media. She oversees much of our technology upgrades.

Hi FSM community! I wanted to address some recent concerns that have been raised about the performance of the forum. We apologize for any disruptions and strange user experiences that might have occurred over the past weeks. We underwent a major migration to move our websites to the cloud, with the intention of creating a much more stable go forward platform for our customers.

I have recently joined the forums myself and am receiving notifications, can subscribe to threads, add favorites and see great posts going back and forth. I hope that you are experiencing the same thing now. If you are not please let Moderator Elizabeth ( know the thread that is causing problems for you so that we can investigate further.

In addition, while we have restored the databases for periods of outages, there is always the chance the some posts or pictures were lost. For this we again apologize. There are a number of other issues that we have become aware of around account names not showing up, being able to access and change settings, etc. that were bugs already presenting themselves before the migration to the cloud AND we are working on these as well.

I am impressed by the high level of engagement I have seen from this group and want to assure you that we are committed to fixing these issues. We ask for your continued patience….but feel free to send me your issues and concerns at any time. For all your important FSM inquiries – probably reach out to one of our awesome editors, since I am not an expert in those areas!                               



- Elizabeth Nash, Digital Editor of FSM


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