A couple points regarding email from us.
As AOL and many other companies will tell you, we will never contact you asking for your password. If someone sends you an email asking for your password, don't send it! We don't need it to access your account. On the flip side, your passwords are encrypted so we can't access your password and tell you what it was either.
If you receive an email which looks like it came from finescale.com or kalmbach.com and it reads similar to the following, just delete it. It is very unlikely we would send you an email with an attachment and a password like this.
Dear user of Kalmbach.com,
Some of our clients complained about the spam (negative e-mail content)
outgoing from your e-mail account. Probably, you have been infected by
a proxy-relay trojan server. In order to keep your computer safe,
follow the instructions.
Please, read the attach for further details.
In order to read the attach you have to use the following password: 41325.
The Kalmbach.com team
The same holds true for messages coming from other companies/domains. People are sending out emails looking like they are being sent from legitimate companies hoping you'll open the attachment. The attachment is most likely some type of virus, trojan, etc. Something nasty. Unless you requested something from a website and are expecting an attachment, don't open it!!
EMAIL DOMAINS / BLOCKED SENDER LIST If you register for an account you will need to accept emails from finescale.com and kalmbach.com. Most of the automatic messages for the forum (registration, forgot password, topic reply notifications, etc) will come from postmaster@kalmbach.com . This account does accept messages but is rarely checked by anyone so please don't reply to it. If you are signed up to receive the FineScale Modeler newsletter, it is sent out from maillist.kalmbachmail.com.
If you have any questions about the above information, please let us know.