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Moderator Status.....?

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  • Member since
    July 2013
Posted by DURR on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 2:58 PM

now how would the powers above choose                 

 some honorable people would be left out

to my mind some of the best people out here are at the complete polar opposites  (no names) but some are Xtreme libral  some Xtreme conserv. in views  and as i say they are some of my fav people ,they because of their Xtreme views either way   they would be bad choices

is is a play favorites game

is it a # of posts status

i think my ?'s are reasonable

  • Member since
    January 2009
  • From: clinton twp, michigan
Posted by camo junkie on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 6:49 AM
and bg, even with a) human behavior dictates they would/could eventually be "corrupted"! its just how people cant change that because people WANT a position of power. im sure you've heard people say (a million times or more) if i was in charge i'd do things differently...yeah...they always do/would! see you give a humbled person who has nothing and he will remain humbled because he has lived it everyday. you give someone who desires wealth and power a "fix" and they corrupt the whole system. dont believe me...look at pta's, look at home owner's associations, look at unions, look at city halls, look at mayors, look at congress, look at general's, look at other countries. blah blah blah!! btw, i was only trying to suppliment your point bg not make it look like i was trying to convince you. Wink [;)] that said, i think it doesnt matter. the staff will do what they need to and im just wasting my breathe/fingers here...i still think its a bad idea but i will leave this alone as im not trying to make enemies here. Wink [;)]
"An idea is only as good as the person who thought of it...and only as brilliant as the person who makes it!!"
  • Member since
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  • From: Toronto
Posted by BGuy on Monday, July 13, 2009 11:32 PM
The only way I know of to have moderators that aren't petty and corrupt would be to have either: a) moderators whose livlihood (or something equally weighty) relies on their doing a top-notch, professional, honest job, or b) have moderators who are detached and disinterested in  what the forum has to offer.  We already have a) to some extent since the owners are de-facto moderators.  I'm not sure how you could accomplish b) without it turning into some permutation of a).

  • Member since
    January 2009
  • From: clinton twp, michigan
Posted by camo junkie on Monday, July 13, 2009 9:15 PM

your asking them to prevent the very thing they would create!!! once created, how would you stop it? if done correctly (as they are currently doing...because there aren't any) they wouldnt need to moderate moderators! if you dont believe me...let it happen...give people just that 1" of and see...! ask yourself this too...remember when you were a kid...did ya ever fight to be the captain...of ANYTHING? dont tell me ya havent...but if so, maybe think harder about all the other times like'd probably surprise yourself while proving my point! i dont know...just my thoughts as always (not that ya asked).

"An idea is only as good as the person who thought of it...and only as brilliant as the person who makes it!!"
  • Member since
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  • From: Bridgeview, Illinois
Posted by mg.mikael on Monday, July 13, 2009 6:02 PM

 BGuy wrote:
On a similar note, I couldn't help notice that somebody has *deleted* the thread where people were asking--repeatedly--for FSM to do another article on injected molded plastic model production.

This is another reason trusted forum moderators are needed. They can moderate the moderators, and prevent a monopoly/dictatorship.Wink [;)]

"A good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan next week." - George S. Patton


  • Member since
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  • From: Toronto
Posted by BGuy on Monday, July 13, 2009 5:18 PM

 camo junkie wrote:
personally mg, while i dont cause trouble and certainly wouldnt think of it (i like it here and the people and staff), i cant help but wonder if this should be done. its that whole give a man a little power and he takes over the world mentality. im not saying someone here would...but human behavior dictates they would. then who decides when people are getting out of line or causing trouble or whatever. i think personally there would be more headaches then help with this scenario. however, this isnt my decision...i'm just throwing the (hopefully) obvious out there! for some reason its what i do! Laugh [(-D]

Sign - Ditto [#ditto]

I've seen forum moderators go overboard in other places, causing either a) the forum owners to have to police the forum even more than before or b) the owners withdraw, the corrupt moderators rule and complaints to the owner are ignored.

On a similar note, I couldn't help notice that somebody has *deleted* the thread where people were asking--repeatedly--for FSM to do another article on injected molded plastic model production.

  • Member since
    January 2009
  • From: clinton twp, michigan
Posted by camo junkie on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 11:10 AM
personally mg, while i dont cause trouble and certainly wouldnt think of it (i like it here and the people and staff), i cant help but wonder if this should be done. its that whole give a man a little power and he takes over the world mentality. im not saying someone here would...but human behavior dictates they would. then who decides when people are getting out of line or causing trouble or whatever. i think personally there would be more headaches then help with this scenario. however, this isnt my decision...i'm just throwing the (hopefully) obvious out there! for some reason its what i do! Laugh [(-D]
"An idea is only as good as the person who thought of it...and only as brilliant as the person who makes it!!"
  • Member since
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  • From: Bridgeview, Illinois
Posted by mg.mikael on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 9:28 AM
 Kelly Shaw wrote:

Thanks for the question.

FSM does have the capability to tap forum moderators. Many of our sister publications (eg. Modelrailroader) have already done so, and we're currently considering it.

Kelly, FSM 

Thanks for taking the time to read my question and to answer it.Smile [:)] It's also great to hear the FSM is currently considering forum members as moderators.

"A good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan next week." - George S. Patton


  • Member since
    November 2007
Posted by Kelly Shaw on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 8:50 AM

Thanks for the question.

FSM does have the capability to tap forum moderators. Many of our sister publications (eg. Modelrailroader) have already done so, and we're currently considering it.

Kelly, FSM 

  • Member since
    December 2007
  • From: Bridgeview, Illinois
Moderator Status.....?
Posted by mg.mikael on Monday, July 6, 2009 11:34 PM

On alot of the other forums I hang out on, the forums have moderators who are trusted forum regulars(aka just plain ordinary members of the forum.) Thus these regulars know the site, they hang around most of the time, and are quick to respond to problems. 

Basically I was wondering if FSM forums, has the capacity tech wise(in other words, if the software of the forums allows it) to give regular members moderator status? And if FSM has ever considered giving some 'trusted' members a moderator status? Because with regular 'trusted' modelers/members as the mods, they could respond quicker to troll problems(can also respond on weekends), they can ban/control members that are causing havoc, they can lock threads, delete inapproriate threads, and etc. Plus with trusted regulars as the mods, you guys and girls over at FSM won't have to worry about the forums(as much.Wink [;)])

Thanks for reading my question/propostion of sorts.

"A good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan next week." - George S. Patton



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