I understand that, since the change over, the staff at FSM has worked to improve the more onerous aspects of the site. I've piped down the last couple of months in an effort to see how things went and to get a long term impression.
Here are my current issues with the site (primarily with navigation):
1) There are way too many 'deadends'. I know the breadcrumbs were added, but there is no consistency with what breadcrumbs I will get. For example, if I pop into 'My Forum Discussions', the only breadcrumbs I get are 'Home>>My Forums', so if there is no activity in any of my forums discussions (or nothing that I am interested in, I can't easily navigate out. Everything requires an extra click or to go 'somewhere else' to get where I am going. So, again, to this example. I pop into 'My Forum Discussions' and find nothing I want to check out, but now I want to go somewhere else in the forum. I glance up at the breadcrumbs.... no dice there... OK... now what... OH, wait, if I go to the 'Forum & Community' pulldown, I can get back to the 'Forums' page there.... what a PITA.
The same thing happens when you check to see who is on-line. You get breadcrumbs that are a complete deadend...
2) Why, when I click on the 'My Friends' link, does it take me to the page for dealing with friends requests, thus requiring an additional select and click to actually get to my list of freinds?
There are several additional annoying little deadends like that throughout the forum. It'd be great if they could be cleaned up a bit.