On several recent episodes of "Joan of Arcadia," this season's TV potboiler, the title character's brother ( who uses a wheelchair) is depicted as building various plastic models. The father of the family has told him that model-building is only "toys for children" and that he should "really grow up" and "do something useful."
This attitude and similar comments have prevailed in several episodes.
As a long-time (old time?) model-builder I resent this misconception of my hobby (although I've heard similar comments from the ignorant).
May I humbly suggest that any who object to this portrayal of the art and science of model-building make their feelings known to the producers, network and sponsors of this TV series?
Gee! Maybe the program writers could produce an episode where model-making is shown as a GOOD
"Should we prosepr it shall be as is our custom...by miracle."