Lawrence Hansen:
I understand all this, but the reason for doing it is FOR CHARITY. So this is the angle you paly up when making inquiries. Squirm them into allowing inclusion of their material, like Bob Geldof did for Live-Aid.
It's not for hte purpose of making money for FSM, it's for the purpose of making money for a nominated charity, such as war veterens, their widows, ex-service men.
Surely, in these days of getting behind and supporting the service men and women of the American nation with their war on terror and so on, the leverage is there.
It's how you look at it. You want to almost cocerce ppl into supporting the project ( promising them ample publicity or whatever it takes), stroke the egoes whatever.
I mean, c'mon!! Geldof was just a normal man who bsically refused to take no for an answer. If he had not the belief that what he was doing was so important, then there would not have been a Live-Aid and all that followed.
I am Irish, not American. Yet I think there is nothing as important in this day and age as to support those who had laid it on the line for your country as those in the World Wars, Korea, 'Nam, Kosovo and all the other "trouble spots" around the planet.
We are sitting here, making models of the machines they used to defend our freedoms and we're oh! so happy to do so. But how cool would we be if we had to step onto a beach under fire, hit the launch button for a sidwinder as the enemy is filling the air around us with cannon fire or naviagte a ship while under missile attack.
And not just annoymus machines, but we model specific machines of specific people and units. Companies are out here making money on these individuals. Do they get a cut in the profit? I don't think so. I know they'll say they were just doing their job ( as the old Battle of Britian vets i met last year said), but we have a chance to GIVE SOMETHING BACK. And to do so prehaps on an annual basis.
I cannot accept such a trite answer to a question such as this that should only have one answer.
We OWE these people big time.
If the question is put to these performers and companies in the right way, they might be enthusiastic. And, to use Bob Geldof again as an example, everyone, EVERYONE involved in Live-Aid contributed their time free-of-charge.
Is the Spirit of 9-11 already forgotten?
C'mon, guys......we can make this happen. We just need to figure out how.........
I was going to say sorry for the rant, but I cannot honestly say that and still be true to how I feel about this. I have been watching some war films on tv recently, such as Pearl Harbour, The Big Red One, Saving Private Ryan and so on.
Makes you think....could I do that?? And I am not sure I could.