Hi Don ;
Although I do have to agree with everything you and the Proffesor said there is a problem . It seems like if you haven't won a shelf load of Trophies , you are not taken seriously .I for one have models in Museums . Not trophies , But it doesn't seem to mean a hill of beans when talking with someone about ship modeling .
I dropped out of I.P.M.S. because of their seemingly cavalier way of treating the ship category . When you have say a small turnout you DO NOT lump them all together for a best in class .The easily seen large model usually always prevails regardless of the fine work of the others , in other scales .
The sad part , This attitude does not seem to have gone away in the 53 years I've known and been a member of this group either .
If I was younger I would definitely write a ship related publication for the modelers out there . I love sharing the information and I want to share with as many as I can , before I get a call from the bigger hobby shop , you know the one we all have to go to someday .
Building ships is a fun activity and I could share much knowledge of what happens on a tin can when general quarters is sounded , and how this changes her external appearance !
I build tankers because no two are the same , and there are different types for different tank requiring cargoes too . Well , I have added my four cents . Tanker - Builder