I thought about this for a little bit, and I remember the first idea got shot down. Here is my solution and I think this will be acceptable.
A Buy / Trade Forum. A Swap Shop in essence.
Here are the rules:
1. You cannot post anything for sale for money.
2. You can post things you WANT and offer money.
2a. You can post things you have for trade and fish for offers in trade only.
3. You can post things you are willing to TRADE for what you WANT if you would rather trade instead of buy.
4. Finescale is not responsible for any trades / sales that happen here.
5. If answering a WANT post, you can refer them to a store, but you cannot reference them to an individual. In other words, you can tell them to check out squadron.com but you cannot tell them to email Jim.
6. Put all the conditions of the trade in the post. If in doubt, be informative and descriptive.
7. NOTIFY a moderator immediately if someone abuses the forum, i.e. soliciting, advertising, asking for money instead of trade, etc.
8. No money changes hands between posters.
There will be essentially three types of posts on the board.. .those that have something for trade and entertaining offers.. those that want something and willing to buy .. those that want something and have some things to trade.
I think this will solve all the problems at hand. I can moderate it since I understand the concept.