Dear FSM WebMaster,
(Re-posted from the Aircraft Forum...)
I think that Tango1 has a great idea.
I believe a Critique Forum would be a great addition - if everyone plays nice and replies with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism about the pics of models posted there.
All too often you see nothing more than "Great Job! - Nice Job! - Lovely job!" when someone posts a pic of an ordinary model - there's no point in that and it helps nobody - how can a modeler push the envelope and grow, learn, and increase their skills unless someone takes them aside and tells them how to do something better?
A Critique Forum would be fantastic - dedicated to people who have built a model, but want to do better next time and want some hints on how to do just that.
Again, I speak of
constructive criticism....."this is how I solved this problem or overcame that difficulty......" helps a great deal.
For many years I gazed at the models in FineScale with awe and wonder....and understood that to gain those skills I had to "push the envelope". I READ the mag - and experimented with the tools and materials discussed in the articles - it worked - and like Garyallum, have been a professional model-maker for more than a decade (imagine getting
PAID to engage in a hobby!!!) and believe that the application of the skills and techniques in the feature articles and How-To articles have really made all the difference. Now, I get paid to make models. Gerald Wingrove I'm not, but I do alright.
Without the criticism of my work (generaly self criticism), I'd never have been able to be in the position of accepting contract builds.
I think that a Constructive Criticism Topic is a darned good idea - let's all get behind it - not to dump on others, but to help lift them up to a higher skill level and make them feel better about themselves and their hobby.