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Photobucket lost me

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  • Member since
    October 2008
  • From: SE Pennsylvania
Photobucket lost me
Posted by padakr on Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:20 PM

I opened a Photobucket account a few weeks ago and uploaded a few pictures for posting on the forum (about 5).  Went there today to upload a few more and my account was gone.  Tried the "forgot my password" thing, but it couldn't find my user ID or e-mail address.  I ended up re-joining, using all the same info.

Has anybody else run into a problem like that?  One weird thing is that the photos I uploaded before are still visible on the posts I made.

  • Member since
    May 2005
  • From: Left forever
Posted by Bgrigg on Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:28 PM

Never had that issue before.

Are you sure you remember your user name properly, or that you are accessing the correct email for the resent password?

 If you right click on any existing images and choose properties, you should see the user name associated with the photo, imbedded in the name.

Hope this helps!

So long folks!

  • Member since
    October 2008
  • From: SE Pennsylvania
Posted by padakr on Sunday, November 23, 2008 7:34 PM
 Bgrigg wrote:

If you right click on any existing images and choose properties, you should see the user name associated with the photo, imbedded in the name.

Thanks, I did that.  It is the user name I thought it was.  I created a new account with the exact same user name.  I can still see the pictures from both, but I can only log on and see one set.

Anyway, I tried using my MSN photo account and was able to figure out how to get pictures to post from there, so I think I'll shelve my Photobucket account for now.



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