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email notifications of answers to posts

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  • Member since
    February 2003
email notifications of answers to posts
Posted by snobrd13 on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 8:01 PM
Is there a way to "bookmark" or tag a forum post in any category to make it easy to return to the same topic items at a later date? I'm sure it is something simple which only someone as computer illiterate as me could miss.
Mike (snobrd13)
  • Member since
    January 2003
Posted by shermanfreak on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 9:16 PM
At the bottom of each post is the "Watch This Topic" icon. IIRC it will send you an e-mail each time someone posts to that thread.
Happy Modelling and God Bless Robert
  • Member since
    April 2003
  • From: Savannah, GA USA
Posted by Bones-coa on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 1:47 PM
I've noticed that after the intial reply, it will no longer notfiy you. That seems to be something it's just started doing. It used to notify me everytime.

Dana F
Dana F On the bench: Tamiya DO335B-2 with LOTS of Aires stuff (On Hold) Trumpeter A-10 with LOTS and LOTS of aftermarket goodies! (On Hold) Tamiya 240ZG (In work)
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 4:08 PM
Its gotten screwy since they updated the system and made some changes a while back....I too just get the initial reply but once I visit the boards and read it and someone else posts something in that thread I get nothing to let me know there's a new post anymore....

David do you have any way of fixing this? Pretty Please! LOL
  • Member since
    April 2003
  • From: Savannah, GA USA
Posted by Bones-coa on Tuesday, December 23, 2003 3:05 PM
What's the latest on this? I found in my profile that the option was not checked. However, after checking it, it still isn't working correctly.

Dana F
Dana F On the bench: Tamiya DO335B-2 with LOTS of Aires stuff (On Hold) Trumpeter A-10 with LOTS and LOTS of aftermarket goodies! (On Hold) Tamiya 240ZG (In work)

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