Hello all. I'm looking for a member here that I promised to make a new canopy for a long time ago. Well, that time has come. I've been researching clear resin from many different suppliers, but I've been let down so far in my search until now. I have an F-18 Stealth bomber canopy from "Modelchasm" AKA Scott Tyner - I hate to use his real name but I need to let him know that I have this moulded at least. The resin I bought has a yellow tint to it, and this isn't what he wanted - it was supposed to be perfectly clear. Unfortunately I couldn't use this stuff, so the company sent me some other type that also has a tint to it. I found another company that I can get water clear resin from, so I hope that I will be able to do this sometime soon. Does anyone here know how to get a hold of him? I don't see him on this forum, and the other one that I met him on no longer exists. I haven't been on here as of late because of life problems, and time not really permitting. I hope to get Scotts' email address if nothing to let him know that the wait is almost over. Thank you for reading.
~ Cobra Chris