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Well, I gotta ask

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  • Member since
    March 2007
  • From: Northeast WA State
Well, I gotta ask
Posted by armornut on Monday, March 7, 2022 9:47 AM

   As a long time subscriber to FSM, and plan on staying, how do I get this digital content?

      I'm not completely computer illiterate anymore however I have not seen any link, path, or trail to the digital content I think I'm eligible for.

     Please Barney this down so an old spark chaser can continue to enjoy the hard work being done to meet the modelers needs. Thank you.

we're modelers it's what we do

  • Member since
    September 2011
Posted by Tim Kidwell on Monday, March 7, 2022 1:15 PM

Hi armornut,

As you know, we offer 6 print issues a year; February, April, October, and December no longer are print. We now offer them as DownLoadable Content, or DLC for short. Subscribers who have provided FSM with an email address receive a scheduled email whenever a new DLC is ready to download. So, if you have given FSM an email address associated with your subscription (and opted in for notifications), you'll receive an email with a link in it.

However, you probably haven't seen those, so here's a link to the three DLCs that are currently available.

Click into any one of the three available, scroll down, and you'll find a link to download a PDF. Depending upon how you have your computer set up, it may automatically open in a browser (Safari, Chrome, Edge, etc.). That's cool. From the browser, download and save it onto your computer. Once you've done that, we recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download here if you don't have it) to view it. Acrobat will allow you to view the pages singly or in spreads so you can see the images that go across both pages just like you would with a print magazine. 

Yes, nonsubscribers interested in DLC content can purchase DLCs from the Kalmbach Hobby Store. However, release to nonsubscribers is delayed by about 6 weeks to allow subscribers to have plenty of time with the content before its released more widely.

(INSIDE BASEBALL: We decided that the DLCs would release on the same schedule as the print pubs would to stores; February is the second Tuesday in January; April the second Tuesday in March; October the second Tuesday in September; and December the second Tuesday in November. This allow us to maintain our prodcution schedules and continue to treat the DLCs just like regular issues.)

If you have any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them.


Timothy Kidwell
Scale Model Brands
Firecrown Media


  • Member since
    March 2007
  • From: Northeast WA State
Posted by armornut on Monday, March 7, 2022 3:27 PM

   Thank you Tim, I will get myself set up and continue to enjoy my subscription.

we're modelers it's what we do

  • Member since
    September 2011
Posted by Tim Kidwell on Monday, March 7, 2022 3:51 PM


   Thank you Tim, I will get myself set up and continue to enjoy my subscription.


You're welcome, and thank you for subscribing!


Timothy Kidwell
Scale Model Brands
Firecrown Media



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