When you registered as a user here, it took you to a page that lists the rules and regs of the board...like most other sites where you're required to register, the user is asked to read the terms, and then click on 'Accept' at the bottom of the page to continue with the registration process.
Although it's kind of cold and business-like, one of the opening paragraphs of the rules state:
No posting of advertisements, rude remarks, profanity or personal attacks against others are permitted in these forums. We reserve the right to edit or delete any posts. Any user who finds objectionable material posted in these forums is encouraged to contact us via e-mail.
So there you have it...technically, we don't have to tell you that we deleted a thread. Perhaps I should have been a little more observant and noticed your sign-up date.
As a sidebar, there are many other sites that have traders' forums, including Hyperscale, Aircraft Resource Center, and Large Scale Planes. I'm sure there are others as well, but those are the ones I frequent and conduct business on.
Best Regards,