You know, this might earn me a suspension, or simply get this thread locked, but I'm reaching my boiling point. Is there anyone out there in FSM land who continues to give a s&^t about the problems with the new forum? I see threads getting posted and problems getting pointed out, and fixes being suggested and ideas being discussed by THE MEMBERS, but rarely do I see anyone from FSM popping in to say, "Hey guys, thanks, we hadn't noticed that problem. We'll get on it...'
Or how about just a general post every now and again that says 'We are listening and we are working on it. Currently we are focused on...'
I really get the sense that the mods at FSM have decided that, since the initial furor has quieted down that they can ignore the still existing issues. For example:
-From day one we have bitched about the poor navigation within and between threads. Page numbers at the top of the page??? Forum Jump box at the bottom??
-From day one we have bitched about the STUPID, INFURIATING, RIDICULOUS 'Post Confirmation' page that not only requires an extra step to get back into the thread, but takes you to the FIRST friggin' page. Hey, guess what, I don't need confirmation that I posted a reply because I JUST TYPED IT!!!!
-From day one people have pointed out how poorly the search feature functions. In fact it doesn't.
-It has been pointed out (by me and several others) that if you click on the post count under a users avatar, it will take you to that persons previous posts. However, no posts have been added to that list since DECEMBER 17. So, for example, if I am curious to see what trouble user 'X' has gotten into today around the forum, there is no simple way to do it.
Obviously I have reached a point of frustration. This has been exaccerbated by the repeated error messages that have made navigating the site such a chore in recent days (for me) and from day one (for others). Yeah, that was another issue raised by another member which, judging by the responses to his thread, has been ignored by FSM.
So, give it to us straight - have you decided to let us eat cake, and what we see is what we get? Are you reading these posts and working on it? Or are you reading these posts and simply laughing at us poor bastards because you have all the power and (other than leaving the site) there ain't squat we can do about it...?
EDIT... The one person I will give props to is Megan McChain - so far as I can tell, Megan is the one person from FSM who makes some attempt to respond to users complaints, problems, issues. Thank you Megan! I see you replied to that error message thing...
Now.... I bow before you, prepared to be banned for publically humiliating the emperor...