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Navigating through threads & the back button?

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  • Member since
    December 2012
Navigating through threads & the back button?
Posted by Riffraff on Saturday, December 22, 2012 11:17 AM

Hi everybody, new guy getting back into modelling after being away for about 20 years since I was a teenager. Anyway this appears to be a fine set of forums for information and communication, but I do have a question to see if I am navigating the postings correctly. Here is what I am experiancing. 

After I am done reading and individual thread I hit the back button to take me back to the forum's main page, and it does nothing. What I have to do is hit the back button like 3 seperate times. But it's also not that simple because if I hit the back button 3 times to quickly or there is any internet lag it just throws me off and I don't know if my click registered, so if I hit the back a forth time then sometimes if backs me out too far. I find this very time consuming and not user freindly.

Does anybody else have to hit the back button 3 seperate times with a small pause in between each one just to back up one step? Is there another way I should navigate? FWIW I belong to about 10 other forums and only ever have to hit the back button once. I have a PC with Windows XP and use Internet Explorer with no special firewall or antivirus. Thanks.


  • Member since
    February 2015
Posted by Bick on Saturday, December 22, 2012 4:39 PM

Hi Rr

If, by back button you mean the back arrow then, no, I don't have any problem. However, hitting the back arrow just once returns me to where I was before the thread I'm reading - not the form main page unless that is the page I was reading. IE if I hit the back arrow now it will take me back to the 'Forum feedback and error reporting' page. Make sense???

  • Member since
    December 2012
Posted by Riffraff on Saturday, December 22, 2012 9:05 PM

Yes it sure does make sense, and it sounds like the same thing I am doing, hitting the back arrow on the top left of my Explorer moves me back one step on every other forum I visit, except this forum I have to hit the arrow 3-4 times with a pause in between each one to accomplish the same thing. It's weird, and I have never seen that before. Thanks for the reply as it must be a problem on my end somehow.  

  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Bethlehem PA
Posted by the Baron on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 3:34 PM

Hi, RiffRaff, the next time you want to navigate backwards through the pages you've visited, try rightclicking on the back arrow first.  This will show you the URLs of the pages you had visited.  See if you see URLs for ads between the page you're on, and the last forum page you were on.  I bet you will see that when you tried clicking back and nothing happened, it was because the last stored URL is that of a popup.  It's not a forum issue per se, but a browser issue.  I see this same behavior with other sites, like Google or eBay.  When I click Back and nothing apparent happens, I'll rightclick on the Back arrow, and see that the additional URL is there.  You can click the desired URL in that list, to return to that page.

Hope that helps!


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  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Sunday, December 30, 2012 8:59 AM

Keep in mind that FSM's servers are not the world's fastest.  Sometimes the need to punch an arrow or other button multiple times is merely a reflection of slow servers.

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

  • Member since
    December 2012
Posted by Riffraff on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 8:22 PM

Baron I think you are correct. Testing some more tonite I confirmed I have to hit the back arrow on the browser OR back button on my mouse 4 seperate times to back up one step on the forums. Although right clicking on the back arrow like you mentioed only gave me the option to minimize/max/close etc, I notice a small looking down arrow that does what you described showing the recent pages visited.

So for example, lets say I am in the General Discussion main page, then I click on a specific post to read, after that page is loaded and I click on the down arrow it show 3 seperate lines of googleads.g.doublenet/page and then on the forth line I see the discussion forums main page. This explains why I have to hit the back arrow 4 times to go back one step.  Also if I click on any of the google ads lines nothing happens. This also explains why nothing happens when I hit the back button 3 times, until I hit it that 4th time.

So by doing the down arrow and then picking the 4th line down i can back up 1 step. It's easier than hitting the back button 4 seperate times, but still is not what I consider user friendly. I know it's not the site, it's my browser, but this is the only site that causes me this issue.

For the hec of it I tried this site on a computer at work and the back works fine with just one click, but I can't use the work computer for surfing the net.

Maybe there is something in my browser settings I could do to prevent this issue, but I have no idea and if I have learned one thing about computers, it's that I shouldn't  mess around when I don't know what I'm doing or I will just create bigger problems.   LOL  

  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Bethlehem PA
Posted by the Baron on Thursday, January 3, 2013 11:51 AM

Glad to help!

I don't think you can set something in the browser settings to eliminate this, at least, not that I know of.  I just use the dropdown menu on the Back button to get around it, because I've never seen that Back takes me past those interim URLs.

The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.




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