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Aw! Snap !!!!

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  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Aw! Snap !!!!
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Friday, March 8, 2019 8:19 AM

Okay , here's the skinny .

      I have done four postss of say three or four paragraphseach ( some more ) and gone back and censored them where I thought They needed it , Corrected my spelling and just at the end ,I get Aw ! Snap ! we lost the connection or some such blather .

    If this keeps up I will no longer post anything on this sight . Guys, believe me when I say at my age it's not easy to redo something when the brain is 76 and the topic is darned near the same age . I realize there can be problems , but this is to regular .I am beginning to lose faith in your ability to correct problems on this forum page . Send me an E-mail if you want .But be ready for my Bye-Bye   T.B.

  • Member since
    April 2009
  • From: Longmont, Colorado
Posted by Cadet Chuck on Friday, March 8, 2019 8:32 AM

Oh, no!  Please don't be too hasty about making this decision.  I, for one, always enjoy reading your posts, and would hate to see you go!

What is happening to you could be the fault of your internet provider or your computer.  I understand your frustration.  I'm about your age, and know that it is also possible to hit a wrong key with disasterous results.  Recently, my e-mail password somehow got changed, and deep down I feel it was something I blundered.  And sometimes it seems that this computer just takes off and does something on its own.  So, please reconsider, and stick around!



Gimme a pigfoot, and a bottle of beer...

  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Towson MD
Posted by gregbale on Friday, March 8, 2019 8:33 AM

You're overthinking this, TB.

If spelling. grammar...or a certain level of political correctness...counted for much on this (or any other) forum, it would all be nothing but scrolling blank pages.

Your ideas get across just fine, and that's all that counts. Hang in there.Big Smile

[BTW...I've got a laptop with chronically 'sticky' keys. And in my 60s a long-vanquished childhood tendency toward mild dislexia seems to be reasserting itself. No matter how carefully I proof-read, it seems I can rarely post anything without mis-spellings, transposed letters and the like. It just is what it is. At least I can still see to type!]


George Lewis:

"Every time you correct me on my grammar I love you a little fewer."
  • Member since
    July 2008
Posted by Est.1961 on Friday, March 8, 2019 9:13 AM

Hate to see you go, always interested in what you post not how; hope the same goes for me . Respectively ask you not to be too hasty and reconsider.


  • Member since
    September 2015
Posted by enash on Friday, March 8, 2019 9:31 AM

Tanker - Builder

Okay , here's the skinny .

      I have done four postss of say three or four paragraphseach ( some more ) and gone back and censored them where I thought They needed it , Corrected my spelling and just at the end ,I get Aw ! Snap ! we lost the connection or some such blather .

    If this keeps up I will no longer post anything on this sight . Guys, believe me when I say at my age it's not easy to redo something when the brain is 76 and the topic is darned near the same age . I realize there can be problems , but this is to regular .I am beginning to lose faith in your ability to correct problems on this forum page . Send me an E-mail if you want .But be ready for my Bye-Bye   T.B.



Hey there. I'm sorry to hear your internet is having trouble staying connected. My suggestion would be to write any long posts first in a Word document, and then copy and paste the text into the forums. That should make things easier.

- Elizabeth Nash, Digital Editor of FSM


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