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How does the "Your Photos" area of the profile work?

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  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Bethlehem PA
How does the "Your Photos" area of the profile work?
Posted by the Baron on Friday, May 1, 2020 12:38 PM

This came out of discussion about implementing forum member galleries, where we could each upload pics ourselves, instead of posting them in individual threads:

We have an area of our individual profiles, called, "Your Photos".  How does that work?  How do we add photos to it?  Can we even add photos there?

I went to my "Your Photos" page and was presented with the message, "the Baron hasn't uploaded any photos to the community yet.  Please check back later."  I expected to see a link or button to select to upload photos.

Or am I wrong in my expectation of what this feature is?  Does "Your Photos" show photos that we have uploaded elsewhere in the forum, such as photos submitted to the online reader galleries?

Thanks in advance for any explanation/clarification!

PS-I ran a search for "your photos" but didn't find any posts that describe it.

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