Hi everyone!
After searching the web for weeks to find a useful forum I finally got here!
I just strolled a little through the subjects and must say, that You seem to be able to find the answer to every question that may ever come up. Excellent people around here!
To my person, I´m 26 and from Mainz, Germany. I´ve been building models since I was 14 but stopped by age 21, thinking I had no time left for this consuming hobby. I gave away all my equipment (including airbrush and several powertools) only to find out, by 25, that I can´t live without the little plastic parts.
So I bought everything new, spending a forbidden lot of money on tools and stuff. At the moment, I spent about 1.000 € for equipment and just built one single model. A Revell Panzerhaubitze 2000. Nice little monster by the way!
Tomorrow, my ebayed Kangnam Apache will arrive and I already got some useful tips about the kit here.
I´m glad, I found this site and hope, I can someday help some other noob with my experiences!
Until then,