Welcome to the forums mate.
I checked out your stuff and you seem to like the kind of stuff I do.
Your dinosaur kits are quite nicley done, im working on a lindberg anklyosaurs right now and its so bad Im having to sculpt so much detail on it because there is just... non. Heck, the dino doesnt have a back of a head.
Also, where the heck did you find that beatles kit? I would kill to get my hands on those and you did it some serious justice. I have found that simple green is a nice way to strip paint, there are no fumes, the only thing is that it doesnt like remove it, it makes it peel off, so you have to take some time. Let it soak, take it up, use a tooth brush or something to wipe it off, let it soak, takes a few days to get it completly, its a pain but no fumes and stuff.
I hope you post some of your work around here, I know Ill be looking forward to it.