just joined; built many a model when i was a teenager, but then moved on to other things. 40 years later i receive a B-17 kit for christmas and, well... one things leads to another. i've been doing research on what i would need to 'do it right'. i have the brent green book on airbrushing and detailing, and i've watched many a video on youtube.
i'm fascinated by the detail work. i'm idealistic enough to want it to be perfect, and realistic enough to know that it won't happen the first time. like everything else, it's practice practice practice.
i'm also fascinated by weathering, and i think i understand the washes, pre/post shading, dry pastels and dry-brushing. not afraid to try. the one thing i'm still puzzled by is how to choose the colors, and i'm guessing that knowledge comes with time and experience.
i'm getting close to making my first investment in an airbrush. i'm tending towards an iwata hp-c. the real unknown for me is the actual paint. i know there's lacquer, enamel, and acrylic, but i'm not quite sure how to choose the right paint for the job. i'm also interested in advice about what the 'essential' colors would be. i figure i'll build up a good paint inventory over time, but i need something to start with.
i'm partial to aircraft. my dad flew in an avenger in WWII and i have a pilot's license.
i look forward to getting into it, and sharing and learning with everyone else here.