Hello my dear friends,
I'm Pedro, 40 years-old, from Barcelos - Portugal. I've been an 'all-crafts man' since my teenage years. I think my father has passed this to me... I've built several planes and ships from kits since my 12 or 13 years of age and, a few months ago, I found some plans on the web for building the Öseberg Viking Ship. It's a mini book, in German, by a model kit's brand. I've decided to scratch build this ship. I've been doing so from the last 6 or 7 months, building every single part of it, from the frames and planks to the sails and ropes or blocks. It's the most relaxing and pleasant activity you can do fully clothed . I started a Greek bireme also and I have some other projects in the designing phase. I have a small scale scratch built Messerchmitt BF 109 F and and a Mitsubishi A6 - M. Along with these tasks I'm also improving my work shop (tiny, but mine) and making several tools and jigs. As with any other matter I consider interesting, I'm trying to learn as much as I can about model ship building, so I'm 'scavenging' the web for every book that may be of my interest (I already have lots of them - I'm glad I can read English, French or Spanish, besides Portuguese, of course). In my 'sailings' on the web I got to know FSMCS and, after a few visits, I've decided to register. So here I am, to learn as much as I can, to help in anyway I may.
I'll post some words and photos of my models in the future.
The best regards from Portugal to all of you,
P.J. Cravino