Hi all. I'm in my 40's and haven't put together a model since I was a teenager. I loved modeling when I was a kid, I would spend all of my money on supplies and kits. For the longest time I only ever put together Chevrolet Corvette's and military airplanes (with an occasional helicopter thrown in).
I'm looking forward to modeling as an adult, because I can afford to spend more than $5 a week on my hobby! I really want to get in to some bombers (B-17 is my favorite), maybe a car or two, a tank. Not sure where I'll start or end.
I'm trying to convince my wife that this is my next hobby (again)! Once I get her to agree, we can negotiate a space in the house, and I can start to gear up. I live in the midwest USA, and I'm looking forward to spending my cold winter inside working on a kit or two.
Until then, for the last few weeks I have been reading about techniques and supplies, thinking about what I need to get started again.
I may not post often but I expect to read a lot of old posts.