- Member since
February 2015
- From: Eastern North Carolina
Hello, Fellow Modelers
Posted by nc143dad
on Saturday, April 20, 2019 1:24 AM
Hello! My name is Mike Fields, and I've been in the back of the crowd of the modeling community for too long, I guess. I have been readfing and subscribing to FSM ever since I saw the first issue in a Food Lion in Va Beach over 30 years ago, and I built my first model (Lindberg F6F Hellcat), when I was 7. Living in North Carolina now, with a pretty big stash to try to complete in my retirement. Barring that, I'll be gladto send a list of kits I have (1/72 aircraft, mostly WW II), if anyone is looking for something they are having trouble finding. I have a pretty large reference library; to me the most fun of modeling, and the hardest thing to make decisions about, is the research into the markings of the aircraft I want to build. I also have a stash of old decals that I accumulated dating from the 70's; just completed scanning them into my computer memory, now on to Photoshop and see if I can produce decent copies. Anyway, I'm a big fan of FSM; actually got a question published once, on fonts for aircraft lettering. Paul Boyer answered it, I think. Working on a project to build all the available early Allison-engined Mustangs from the available kits, in 1/72. Thanks for reading, glad to be here, and I promise not to stand on the periphery anymore!