Hello everyone, I just logged onto this forum for the first time tonight.
I have read other message boards in the past but they quickly degenerate into blither and lose my interest. A bit about me: 30+ year model builder, helicopters are my specialty, but I am taking the year off and getting a lot of "other" modeling projects done. 4 years active Army as an avionics teck, and after A & P school went offshore and turned wrenches in the Gulf of Mexico. Now I hold down an air conditioned chair and beat on the keyboard so other mecks can pound the a/c into submission and send them back out the next morning. I go through color phases, currently in a 'sand' phase (wonder why??) and working at the Baton Rouge airport I have seen an incredible amount of starch and rotary-wing traffic in the last month...even run into a couple of Army Guard pilots that I flew with years ago! I have my website up, check my profile and you'll find the link.
Hope to pick up some new contacts!
David in Louisiana