Well, I've finally finished a hurricane prolonged AS degree in respiratory therapy and due to the time constraints during my final semester, I had to put down the several modeling projects I was working on and focus on my studies.
I'd eat my heart out with every new issue of of FSM that arrived and looked forward to having a life again that would allow me to get back on track with my hobby. I'm happy to say, I'm back to those comforting smells of plastic, resin and glue.
I even managed to make it to the IPMS Space Coast show and contest this past weekend and really feel those Space Coast guys did a fine job! It was an inspiration to see so many fine models and talk to the various modelers and ask about their techniques. PLUS, I picked up on some great deals on some resin figures in the vendors section. The show even inspired me to enter my first contest with Jaxcon coming up next month.
It feels great to be be back!