I've been building aircraft for a long time...long enough that the recent retirement of the F-14 made me feel VERY old, as I can remember when it was a paper airplane. I also build other things, like the occasional dinosaur, SF subjects, i.e. whatever looks like fun at the time. I try to be serious, but not TOO serious. Everything with wings (fixed or sling-wing) is fair game from the 1930 to 2230.
Are there any airline people on the board? I have worked for the airlines (Air Wisconsin/United Express, Atlantic Coast/Independence Air and MAXjet Airways) for most of my career, but I'm out of it for now. I'm currently a tech writer for the US Army medical software at Ft. Detrick, MD.
I also build the occasional airliner, but I find them harder to paint than military aircraft. I also find bare metal very hard to paint well, which is why my XB-49 is not built yet, among other bare metal aircraft.
Damn! Is that model supposed to look like THAT!?!