I am the director of the Deke Slayton Memorial Space and Bicycle Museum located in Sparta WI. The Museum is seen as a progression of transportation starting with the first bicycles, into our rich Monroe County Aviation History, and outer space with Mercury 7 Astronaut, Donald Kent "Deke" Slayton.
The Monroe County Aviation component is supported by local aviaters, radio control flyers, and modelers, their goal is to encourage our youth in the field of aviation. Working with the local hobby shop staff and modelers; amoung many other classes, we do an AMA Delta Dart class annually for kids.
We have many aviation exhibits, including competition hand launch contest gliders of various designs constructed by Tom Lambert (now deceased). Some of these gliders went to the AMA National Level from 1990-2000.
According to Tom's widow; one of the rubberband powered glider's wings (circa 1940-1950) in the collection were made by mixing chemicals, pouring them into a tub of water, the chemicals float to the top, form a skin, and then the skin is used/trimmed to cover the wings. We are looking for articles/information on this process for our files. So far; none of the guys/gals are familiar with this process. Can any of help us with information?
I am looking for more information on this "chemical" process or resources that could help explain this process.
Thank You