Thank y'all for the welcome.
I went out today and picked up a few kits...
AMT 37 Chevrolet Coupe
58 Plymouth Belvedere
41 Ford Woodie
and a 70 Buick GSX
Grabbed my mini paints, and brushes...picked up a few metals..
I figure tomorrow/next day I'll pick up a few cans of primer/auto spray paint to build these with...hehe
I've already visited and read most of the sections in here. I figure all types of modeling and mini painting can be cross indexed in alot of ways....
For instance...I don't like to build 'stock cars'. My family doesn't believe in leaving something 100% as it is. LOL....
Our belief...not as it was....but as it should have been...
Why deal with a leaded gas burning engine and a power glide in the 64 Impy Convertible when it's very easy to convert it to unleaded, TBI injectin and a 700r4 tranny? Makes it real like today.
So why would I build these models back 100% original, if I wouldn't do it in real life.
Don't knwo if that makes sense. I guess it does to me...and that's what matters...LOL
I'm gonna experiment with making one or two of these cars 'junkyard' wonders. Some rust, dented fenders and such...slowly but surely working towards more difficult builds.
And as I burnout building the cars....I'm sure I'll build a couple of warbirds...for some reason I've always loved those old WWII prop planes. I guess I think they have STYLE!
Thanks again...and be patient...this is almost ALL new to me... I know...there are no stupid questions....just stupid ppl...