My name is Jon Emery and I would like to introduce myself and a program I run out of Raleigh, NC called Models For Troops. I am also the National Director for the IPMS-USA Support the Troops initiative since January 2013. I am also former 8 years Army Infantry SGT and the proud father of an Iraq War MP.
Since August of 2012, with the help of many generous donors, I have shipped out over 2500 lbs of kits and building supplies to the middle east and most recently VA hospitals stateside. I am not here looking for anything here, just to introduce myself and help in any way I can. The gratitude received from recipients has been amazing. In the field, the kits help with boredom but in the hospitals is where the magic really happens.
VA hospitals are hard at times to get into due to their liabilities and lack of someone to run the program. Hard, but not impossible. At present we service 4 with 2 cases each per month. I attend contests from Richmond, VA to Columbia, SC collecting kits as well as receive donations from model makers all over the country. The support is impressive.
A point to note, if you give kits, please remember glue and paint.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me here or at
Our tagline is: "It's more than just plastic."
Kind regards,
Jon Emery (ElevenCharlie)