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IPMS R12 Regional Contest 2013

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    October 2010
IPMS R12 Regional Contest 2013
Posted by sumter III on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 4:03 PM

Set up 5-9 PM 21 June / show 8-5 22 June. Ship cat: 401 Surface All 1:401 & smaller 402 Surface All 1:400 & larger 412 Submarines All Scales

This will be a co-event with AMPS AMPS will judge all armor and military figures, AMPS rules apply IPMS will judge all other catagories, IPMS rules apply

Place: Sumter County Civic Center, Sumter SC.

Entry fees IPMS: 18-older 15.00 for first 5 models $2.00 for each additonal / 17-under $5.00 for first 5 models $2.00 for each additonal Entry fees AMPS: 18-older 15.00 for first 3 models $4.00 for each additonal / 17-under $5.00 for first 3 models $4.00 for each additonal General admission $5.00 adult 18+/ $3.00 kids 17- Vendor tables till May 31 $15.00 after June 1 $25.00 (over half are already sold) Trophy Sponsorship $25.00

IPMS Theme: The Atomic Age, (anything powered or using a nuk) AMPS Theme: Handgrades & Atomic Bombs (cold war armor along the iron curtain (1948-1989)

POC: Tony Abbott

Last show we had 1000+ entries, this time we have a new Civic Center with even better accommodations. Hope to see you there!


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