I don't expect any of mine to be that "eye catching",,,,about all I hope for is that someone might want the one-off weapons I make for variety's sake, for their own aircraft models.
All of the models that I have built that anyone would want are already earmarked for them. That is, if I didn't already give them to them for a birthday or something.
Gunny Vic's (Uncle) wife got an Ontos (he was an M-48 tanker, but he loved the little beasts) Tech Sgt Paul (Brother) got a Phantom Wild Weasel, Gunny Bob (Uncle) is getting all three main squadron aircraft he was with, plus a Tortuga (his first ship as a Lance), Sailer Ken (Uncle) got a Revell large scale old diesel sub (I forgot the fish name), Anne's son (the Bubblehead) will get a nuke sub someday, if I can find one in time for his retirement in 4 years.
I hope that one or two of my "keepers" for my collection will stand out enough that someone besides Anne will want one or a few,,,,,,but, I don't count on that,,,,,,,just that Anne will keep a Skyhawk on a shelf to "see me" with now and then,,,,,,,oh, and the model of her on a tow tractor that I built as a joke, so that SSgt Anne could see what it would have looked like if she actually had to work in her Army time, lol.