Two memories stick in my mind for the Phantom. I used to work at McDD in St. Louis. In summertime it was often too hot to walk outside at lunchtime, and those of us who liked to walk after lunch would walk through the factory where the F4 fuselage was made. That fuselage was very standard construction, formers formed out of sheet aluminum, skin riveted on by two men, one with rivet gun, the other inside with bucking bar.
Second- in 1976 McDD had a Phantom painted up in patriotic bicentennial livery. I had an Ercoupe at the time, and was flying near Smart field, a small airport northwest of St. Louis. Looked out off my right wing, and here was the bicentennial bird, flying along side- everything hanging out or down to keep down near my airspeed, looking me over. I guess he was interested in antique aircraft! Real thrill!