I use to keep bird feeders, but the flying squirrels would empty out the feeders every single night! I don't bother anymore. I do like to hear the wrens songs, so I have a bunch of wren boxes out for them (need to make some more!).
My parents are right on the lake (I'm about 150-200 yards back)...they have a pair of cranes that keep coming back and begging for food!
They're funny...they'll peek in the front door...if they don't see my parents, they'll go around and peek in the kitchen!
The young won't take the bread from you, or pick it up off the ground...the parent will take it or pick it up to give to the young.
Fun birds to watch and interact with!
For the feeder that I do have out....I like it to draw in something a bit more meaty than little birds!!!