Hi !
I have often wondered about Model Building . Whatever the media . Is it really Fun ? Evan at that , what is fun ? Is it that feeling we get , triggered by endorphins that makes us feel good ?
If so Why ? I had a Behavioral Scientist tell me that anything that makes us feel good , You know , like accomplishing something and feeling that we did good is exactly what model building does .
But why does it do that ? Is it because we re-create a bit of history in miniature or , is it because we took this box of parts , or created the parts and built something everyone recognizes and it's good ?
I would have to say the latter . Have you ever Scratch -Built something ? The feelings you get are great . Especially when it is exactly what you envisioned . the same can be said about any Kit out there .You put down the cash . Then you go home and open the box and get high on the scent and feel of the plastic or wood and feel "Wow , this is going to be over the top ! "
What if you don't achieve what you set out to ? Either because bad paint or poor fitting parts . Do you quit ? Well , most don't .They have this drive to do it better the next time . Do You ?
I figure that stashing and building are related to a very strong degree . Have you wondered , Those of you who have experienced it , Why your Missus buys another pair of shoes when She's already got thirty ? It's an addiction tied directly to serotonin levels in the pleasure center of the brain .
Did you know Stashing and Building are the same . You see that gorgeous picture on the box and you have to have it . That's good marketing indeed ! Because let's face it , it made you feel good . Really ? you really didn't need another version of a M-1-A-1 Abrams , now did you ?
See ? It made you feel good and " Someday " you'll build this version too . Plain and simple It's like tobacco and coffee and liquor . It's an addiction . But you know what ? It's one I don't mind having . Except the stash , I have fun Building , Modifying and Changing the model to suit me . And I can do it in my home , safe from the muddling madness of the outside world .
This is where " Fun " comes in . You Build that F-100 Century Series Model from Monogram , Foil it and put markings on it that you like , and that makes it stand out . Glosscoat it and WOW it's the prettiest thing you've built to date .
There you go , You've satisfied your addiction and it was fun . I guess I just answered my own Quiry didn't I . Happy Modeling ! ! .T.B.